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the woman,

the myth,

the legend,

I'm Darley, a HCC PhD at Georgia Tech. 

I chose to pursue my degree because I care about access - to me, the experiences (small or big) we can access shape our participation in society. As a human-computer interaction researcher, I seek to understand how technology can support the creation of access opportunities to historically excluded communities in the domain of health and I am especially interested in how this may be achieved through meaningful social interactions and community-centred technological interventions.


At Georgia tech, I work in the Wellness Technology lab led by Dr. Andrea Parker. My work lies at the intersection of spirituality, technology and health equity. I explore how technology can support the wellbeing of members of predominantly Black churches through community-based participatory methods that seek to meaningfully engage church members. Currently, I am investigating how technology might support wellbeing in church members by strengthening existing group health behaviours.


Do email me if you'd like to connect over my work or related opportunities :)

Quick facts:

1. I love to travel and learn languages ( I aim to learn 6)

2. The milk goes first I did the research, I have the slides, I'm right

3. My Hogwarts house is Slytherin

4. I really like making websites. I'll make any excuse to make a site

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